
Part teaching assistant, part older sibling: 火博体育's peer mentors

by 夏洛特·曼恩,25岁

同伴导师 是所有一年级学生都可以获得的重要资源:这些高年级学生 与敌人合作 Scribner Seminar professors to take on a guiding role in the transition to college academics and life.

夏洛特·曼恩,25岁, a peer mentor in Associate Professor of 西班牙语 Language and Literature 恩典伯顿’s Space of Modern Thought, produced this 音频功能. In it, she discusses the impact of the position with fellow peer mentors 莉兹·布拉克,24岁, 索菲亚·麦高恩,24岁, and Jackson Smith ’24. “These are students looking to make the 世界比他们发现的更好,一次一次的斯克里布纳研讨会,”夏洛特说. “火博体育是一个充满了想让他们的社区变得更小的人的地方 更好.”


夏洛特: 火博体育学院的斯克里布纳研讨会旨在向一年级学生介绍 大学课程的严谨性,并使他们轻松进入大学更微妙的方面 环境.  

每个研习班都有自己的学长,由教授挑选作为学术人员 社会角色榜样. These peer mentors support the transition to college by encouraging new students to integrate into the larger community.  

本学期,我是西班牙语和西班牙语副教授的同侪导师 格蕾丝·伯顿. Professor Burton teaches the Space of Modern Thought, a seminar that discusses the intellectual history of the idea of nothingness. 我参加了这个研讨会 as a first-year student, and I absolutely loved it. The perspective I have gained 现在,我带领一群一年级新生参加了我参加过的同样的研讨会 非常感谢.  

我想听听其他同行的导师讲述他们自己在这种领导下的经历 所以我采访了一些同行的导师,了解他们的经历和经验 很快发现斯克里布纳研讨会成功背后的人是善良的 而且很有才华,但更重要的是,他们关心别人,想确保第一年 学生成功.

莉兹: 大家好,我是Liz Bracht. I am the peer mentor for Professor Mao Chen’s seminar Ideal Worlds, 去年,我是Kate Berheide教授“人类困境”部分的同伴导师. 

索菲娅: 我是索菲娅·麦高恩. I'm a senior, and my seminar is called Earth Elegies with Professor 罗伯特·帕克·哈里森.

杰克逊: 我是杰克逊·史密斯. I'm a senior, and I'm peer mentoring for Can Literature Save the 环境?, a seminar from Professor Michael Marx.  

我们帮助回答与材料有关的问题,但我们也充当向导 学生们进入大学生活——告诉他们我们拥有的所有资源, 通过俱乐部帮助他们认识朋友,组织活动让他们变得更好 相互联系. 

索菲亚: 我想说这有点像助教,因为我们是在帮助学生 无论材料或主题是什么,但它更像是一种 哥哥姐姐角色. A little bit more formal, I guess. 

夏洛特: I asked Liz, Jackson, and Sofia to reflect on their own first-year experiences. 

索菲亚: My first year was the COVID year, so we had the lovely delight of being online. 

杰克逊: I remember that my peer mentor was really great. She did everything that she was supposed to, 你 know, giving us presentations about campus life and resources. 她做了 阅读,她会回答我们的问题,她甚至会安排时间与我们见面 us outside of class to make sure that we were doing things. 

莉兹: She was a really good person to come to if I ever had questions. 有些夜晚 在那里我和同班同学一起为期中考试或其他事情学习 like that, and we would reach out if we had questions. She was there for questions 因为她在斯克里布纳研讨会上也上过这门课 things outside of that class. She brought snacks to our study sessions and organized a reunion for us in the spring. She was a really great resource. 

夏洛特: 我让他们反思第一年是如何影响他们作为同伴的方式的 mentors, and this is how I learned just how wonderful this group is. 

索菲亚: 我想因为我第一年是在线的,我没有机会和同龄人在一起 我真的只是想让自己有空,或者让自己有空 学员须知. Even if they don’t take me up on that, just to know that I am there 如果他们需要帮助. 

杰克逊: 当我成为同伴导师的时候,我想,“哇,我想做的就是 100%避免我经历过的事情”——听到火博体育办公室的事,听到火博体育 resources, but not going after 他们. So, in my experience as a peer mentor, I want to bring people to these opportunities and connect names and faces.  

莉兹: 我的第一个学期很艰难. The transition to college — it was a new 环境, new people, new classes, and new structure of the day. I've tried to check in with 我的学生在整个学期用各种各样的方式,只是为了确保他们 当问题出现时,我能意识到它们,并且我能积极主动地帮助它们解决 任何问题. We had a dinner and other informal events — things like that to make 他们感到被支持,让他们知道有人在这里投入了他们的时间 火博体育

索菲亚: 我想我只是试图用我没有的东西给他们他们可以拥有的东西, 如果这说得通的话.  

夏洛特: 斯克里布纳说,这些人希望让世界变得比他们发现的更好 一次一次的研讨会. I know for a fact that Liz, a second-time peer mentor, makes an 努力去看表演,她的学员是一部分,索菲亚花了一个很好的 她的大部分时间帮助她的学生学习她所掌握的摄影技巧 over her past three years at 火博体育.  

杰克逊给我讲了他第一天参加领导培训的故事,他有多么紧张 他要和一群素未谋面的人一起打破僵局,但他记得 这是我们的同伴导师小组的人在我们的培训中说的 a way to connect immediately with his mentees. 

杰克逊: “What's one weird thing about 你rself? What don't 你 get to talk about with 你r friends often, even though 你're close with 他们? 你的利基兴趣是什么?” I 让他们转向身边的人,聊上五分钟,然后分享 当我们回来时. But what they're sharing is the other person's, so 你’ve got to remember, 你 got to keep up.  

I set a timer on my phone for five minutes, and they were talking so well. 我是如此的 惊讶. 所以,我又定了一分钟. 和 then I said, another 30 seconds. 之后, that I was like, oh my god, we got to get off of this somehow. 所以,我告诉他们,“好吧, 我们必须停下来. Go ahead and share what 你r partner said.“他们就是这么做的 有很多伟大的事情吗. We learned a lot of cool things about each other. 和 I think it was a way to kind of knock that wall down.  

然后我想,在我们见面拍班级照片之前,我们还有更多的时间 后来.  I also wanted to take a walk, but there was still a good amount of time 要做到这一点. So, I said, “Wow, 你 guys are talking so well, like I don’t want to stop 你. So, I want 你 to turn to the person on the other side of 你rself — to a new person and a new fact — but I don’t have another question.一个女孩把她养大 hand, and she said, “How about something that 你’re proud of?我的心融化了 I said, “Alright, that’s a great question.” I set another five-minute timer, and when that was up, they did the same thing. 

莉兹: 很多学校都有第一年的研讨班,但我觉得派人去 这么一小群学生,尤其是作为另一个学生,而不仅仅是一个教员 指导老师之类的人,他们有能力并且被分配了注意力 对这些学生的支持真的很好,这真的很有帮助.  

也许不是每个学生都能充分利用他们的同伴导师,但对于那些 that do, they’re there, which I think is really wonderful. 他们不需要出去 of their way to find somebody and then maybe get frustrated with that process. 我们 和他们一起上课,接触他们,每周给他们做报告,有办公室 hours, and making ourselves available. I like to go to their events, or, if they’re 如果遇到问题,可以在此之外安排一个会面时间,保持联系 他们. Having that role is a really wonderful thing that 火博体育 offers first-year 如果你能把这种联系延伸到第一年之后,我想 你更幸运.  

夏洛特: 当一年级的学生既不能去找学长也不能去找学长 他们开始意识到,火博体育 一个地方的人只想让他们的社区变得更美好吗 更好的.